Friday, December 19, 2008

sNoW, SnOw, sNoW!!

View out our front door after the latest snow dump.
This is Addy's idea of fun on a snow day, building tents in the living room with Sara.

This is Jake's idea of fun on a snow day, playing with Britten. It's amazing what you can do with a ball. I keep teasing him that is what he is getting for Christmas.

Yesterday and today were major snow days. The kind of days where you just stay home even when you have so much to do. AAGH!!!. This is a summary of them.
Number of times I got stuck in the van: 1.
Number of times I fell down: 2.
Number of hours spent at WalMart: 3.
Number of times we shoveled the driveway: 3.
Number of times I wished for sun: Endless.

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